Dec 2, 2023Liked by Temi Coker

I'm proud to be able to see you pushing past your fears to pursue your goals. Keep going bro!

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I've been wanting to apply to a certain MFA program for a while. Instead of applying, I've been working on another projects, doing my full time job, and also considering journalism programs. Today, after reading this newsletter entry and also journaling a lot, I've decided to apply. So just wanted to say thank you!

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023Liked by Temi Coker

I'm working on my third creative business, my first starting in 2011 as a freelance makeup artist. I had just moved to Michigan shortly after discharging from the Air Force. I knew I wanted to have a business and be an artist but even with my severe anxiety I still wanted to try. I did what I could as a makeup artist and even though it only lasted a few short years, I was so proud of myself that I took the leap of faith. In 2020, I started my fashion reselling/upcycling business. I was still very nervous but also excited. I became more confident and wanted to see it grow, but a shift happened. I developed a new love of painting. So I took another leap of closing the reselling part of my business and pivoted with the upcycle idea because I painted on second hand clothes and accessories. Alex B Artistry was born in 2022. I believe that with each one of these milestones happened the way they were supposed to and I learned something new each time, but most importantly I learned more about myself. I regret nothing. Now, I feel like I'm exactly where I need to be for now. I'm grateful for the growth and for the people that have helped me along the way. 2023 has been the year of learning a new me and excited to see what 2024 brings. Thanks for sharing your story! This was a great read.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Temi Coker

I needed to read this today. 🤍

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Thanks for all the encouragement and inspiration in your newsletters. I'm glad you decided to do these!

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I really appreciate this message. It sounds ridiculous, but I’ve been battling the fear of success & accomplishment for some time now. Right now I’m working towards elevating my skill level & launching my career as a designer.

Being so close to a breakthrough has me worried about what will happen after I step over that line. I’m confident in my skills, work ethic & ability to overcome whatever comes my way, but I always have that feeling of “what if this doesn’t work?” in the back of my head. I’m going to keep pushing now matter what though because I’ve been wanting this for so long.

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Thank you for this! Your message is yet another confirmation from the cosmos that I need to never stop. I did an Oracle card reading yesterday around my anxieties and insecurity that has bubbled back up surrounding my writing. The cards I drew were Connection, Creativity, and Love. The message was clear, I need to connect to my Creativity from the source of love I have for writing. Where love exists, fear cannot.

I am not on Substack but do have my own personal blog musesofamommytherapist.com and have been attempting to put myself out there more on social media. I have so many books in me and yet continue to get frozen in fear. The only things I have managed to bring to full frutition is poetry/spoken word and my other blog posts.

Even when I was a child I was always making up stories and a few times put them into written form. I never finished them though... Kind of sad to think of all the stories that never got told. I really want this to change.

So thank you for your words. Thank you for being a model of courage and change.

Your basketball is dope by the way! 😍

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I’m also glad you started this newsletter! It’s been rewarding to read and I love being able to keep up with your work without having to wade into the dumpster fire of social media.

Congrats on all the success this year. Wishing you even more in the future!

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That jacket is tough. ⚡️

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It is easy to see that you are very creative & high energy for all the ideas that you have brought to fruition.

I enjoyed my 40-year nursing career so much for all the ways individuals & families shared their stories & dreams.

It gives me quality of life to be around diverse creative, innovative, people who do persist to bring good ideas to life.

My art of nursing was being able to connect people to ways to save money while empowering teamwork & projects that strengthen our individual & collective knowledge, skills, & helpful attitudes.

Would you like to collaborate with me & others who appreciate you & your arts?

My wellbeing, sense of humor, & passion for helping people use & development their talents is part of why I pay for a Zoom Enterprise platform.

Would you & your wife like to join me to explore business & quality of life issues using the Zoom “Green STAR Ship Enterprise” for the fine art of living with our multigenerational global networks of family-friends-volunteers-employees...and customers that appreciate us and our goods & services?

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