Creative Block is a weekly newsletter that gives you a glimpse into my life, creativity, design, and music. It's like a little pick-me-up that you get delivered straight to your inbox each week.
Last year, I got a message from the folks over at Everpress, and they had a rather intriguing proposal for me – creating a T-shirt with my designs. Now, the idea of seeing my creative work on a T-shirt had always piqued my curiosity, so I jumped on board without hesitation.
My approach to this project was pretty straightforward yet deeply personal. I started planning how I could show my journey and the rollercoaster ride of 2023 into just a few words on a shirt. That's when I revisited my old newsletter from June titled "Embracing the Marathon."
It struck a chord with me because it's a message that I've needed from time to time, usually from my agent: "It's a marathon, not a sprint." There have been moments in my creative journey when I felt like I was lagging behind, but it wasn't because I truly was behind; it was because I momentarily lost sight of my own path, my own journey, and started paying too much attention to how others were doing.
As I mentioned in my last newsletter, if you ever find yourself feeling like you're falling behind, it's often because you've inadvertently started running someone else's race instead of staying true to your own.

Now, here's the exciting part – this special T-shirt is now available for purchase on
If this shirt and message resonate with you or if you believe it could be a meaningful reminder for someone you know, I wholeheartedly encourage you to share it with them even if you don’t purchase!
Let's appreciate the journey, acknowledge the progress we've made, and find joy in every step we take towards our artistic goals. Remember, it's not about short-term success but about nurturing our long-term growth and finding fulfillment in the creative process.
→Quote of the week
There are many people who live in what I call 'No-man's Land,' a place where you're not really happy, but you're not unhappy enough to do anything about it. That's a dangerous place. It's a place where people numb themselves to their dreams. It's where they dismiss hope and accept what's in front of them instead of driving toward what they really want in life.
Tony Robbins